- Teensy Keyboard Driver An Arduino based Teensy Keyboard Driver with support for layers
- Gomandel A Mandelbrot generator in Go
- Cereal Archiver A disk archive tool written in C++, using an lmbd database, Cereal for serialisation, and Blake2 hashing to avoid duplicates
- VRL A C++ virtual reality framework using OpenVR and Vulkan to create experiments for Cognitive Psychology
- MCDNN a deep learning library written in C++, using CuDNN and several Cuda kernels
- VLSTM An implementation of Pyramid LSTM using C++ and Cuda, linking to MCDNN. See the paper "Parallel Multi-Dimensional LSTM, With Application to Fast Biomedical Volumetric Image Segmentation" for more details
- Zig-Mandel A Mandelbrot implementation in the Zig language, output using the WebP library
- Zig-Timsort A Timsort implementation in the Zig language, using a manual allocator to reduce memory usage.
- YAWN Yet Another Wiki Notepad; a Go based wiki server, using Bolt as a database backend and Markdown for marking up
- YAGLL Yet Another GLL parser; a lightweight General LL (GLL) Parser library for C++, based on libre2
- YOPL Your Own Programming Language; an LLVM based compiler using YAGLL as a backend, allowing for the creation of languages (in progress)
- Go-Schulze A Go based implementation of Schulze voting, a Condorcet method for voting reconciliation avoiding strategic voting / gerrymandering
- PTTP A p2p library in C++, implements set reconciliation using Bloom filters. Based on ZeroMQ, and CapNProto for serialisation (in progress)